Scope of functionalities of treasury and receivable/ payable accounting system, designed by Asre Dadeh Afzar Tehran company includes:
- Mamaging bank account information
- Managing receivable documents
- Managing payable documents
- Managingn petty cash
- Managing guarantee documents
- Managing received facilities
- Managing monetary
Processing model of treasury and receivable/ payable system is as below:
One of the system prototypes is as below:
Process model of managing bank accounts is based on below flow chart:
Process model of managing receivable accounts is based on below flow chart:
Process model of payable accounts is based on below flow chart:
Process model of managing petty cash is based on below flow chart:
Process model of managing guarantee documents is based on below flow chart:
Process model of managing facilities is based on below flow chart:
Process model of managing monetary is based on below flow chart: